_1488👋 Welcome Flow developer!
_1488 If you are starting a new flow project use our super commands, start by running 'flow setup'.
_1488 dev Build your Flow project
_1488 generate Generate template files for common Cadence code
_1488 setup Start a new Flow project
_1488 accounts Create and retrieve accounts and deploy contracts
_1488 blocks Retrieve blocks
_1488 collections Retrieve collections
_1488 events Retrieve events
_1488 scripts Execute Cadence scripts
_1488 transactions Build, sign, send and retrieve transactions
_1488 cadence Execute Cadence code
_1488 dev-wallet Run a development wallet
_1488 emulator Run Flow network for development
_1488 flix execute, generate, package
_1488 flowser Run Flowser project explorer
_1488 test Run Cadence tests
_1488 deploy Deploy all project contracts
_1488 init Initialize a new configuration
_1488 project Manage your Cadence project
_1488 run Start emulator and deploy all project contracts
_1488 keys Generate and decode Flow keys
_1488 signatures Signature verification and creation
_1488🔗 Dependency Manager
_1488 dependencies Manage contracts and dependencies
_1488Additional Commands:
_1488 all-help Outputs help for all the CLI commands
_1488 completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
_1488 config Utilities to manage configuration
_1488 help Help about any command
_1488 settings Manage persisted global settings
_1488 snapshot Retrieve the protocol state snapshot
_1488 status Display the status of the Flow network
_1488 version View version and commit information
_1488 -f, --config-path strings Path to flow configuration file (default [/Users/tomhaile/flow.json,flow.json])
_1488 -x, --filter string Filter result values by property name
_1488 --format string Format result values (default "text")
_1488 --host string Flow Access API host address
_1488 -l, --log string Log level, options: "debug", "info", "error", "none" (default "info")
_1488 -n, --network string Network from configuration file (default "emulator")
_1488 --network-key string Flow Access API host network key for secure client connections
_1488 -o, --output string Output format, options: "text", "json", "inline" (default "text")
_1488 -s, --save string Save result to a filename
_1488 --skip-version-check Skip version check during start up
_1488 -y, --yes Approve any prompts
_1488Use "flow [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Create and retrieve accounts and deploy contracts
_1488 flow accounts [command]
_1488 add-contract Deploy a new contract to an account
_1488 create Create a new account on network
_1488 fund Funds an account by address through the Testnet Faucet
_1488 get Gets an account by address
_1488 remove-contract Remove a contract deployed to an account
_1488 staking-info Get account staking info
_1488 update-contract Update a contract deployed to an account
_1488Use "flow accounts [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Deploy a new contract to an account
_1488 flow accounts add-contract <filename> <args> [flags]
_1488flow accounts add-contract ./FungibleToken.cdc helloArg
_1488 --args-json string arguments in JSON-Cadence format
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output. Valid values: contracts.
_1488 --show-diff Shows diff between existing and new contracts on update
_1488 --signer string Account name from configuration used to sign the transaction (default "emulator-account")
_1488Create a new account on network
_1488 flow accounts create [flags]
_1488flow accounts create --key d651f1931a2...8745
_1488 --hash-algo strings Hash used for the digest (default [SHA3_256])
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output
_1488 --key strings Public keys to attach to account
_1488 --key-weight ints Weight for the key
_1488 --sig-algo strings Signature algorithm used to generate the keys (default [ECDSA_P256])
_1488 --signer string Account name from configuration used to sign the transaction (default "emulator-account")
_1488Funds an account by address through the Testnet Faucet
_1488 flow accounts fund <address> [flags]
_1488flow accounts fund 8e94eaa81771313a
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output. Valid values: contracts.
_1488Gets an account by address
_1488 flow accounts get <address> [flags]
_1488flow accounts get f8d6e0586b0a20c7
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output. Valid values: contracts.
_1488Remove a contract deployed to an account
_1488 flow accounts remove-contract <name> [flags]
_1488flow accounts remove-contract FungibleToken
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output. Valid values: contracts.
_1488 --network string Network name from configuration to use
_1488 --signer string Account name from configuration used to sign the transaction (default "emulator-account")
_1488Get account staking info
_1488 flow accounts staking-info <address> [flags]
_1488flow accounts staking-info f8d6e0586b0a20c7
_1488Update a contract deployed to an account
_1488 flow accounts update-contract <filename> <args> [flags]
_1488flow accounts update-contract ./FungibleToken.cdc helloArg
_1488 --args-json string arguments in JSON-Cadence format
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output. Valid values: contracts.
_1488 --show-diff Shows diff between existing and new contracts on update
_1488 --signer string Account name from configuration used to sign the transaction (default "emulator-account")
_1488Outputs help for all the CLI commands
_1488 flow all-help [flags]
_1488 -h, --help help for all-help
_1488 flow blocks [command]
_1488Use "flow blocks [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488 flow blocks get <block_id|latest|block_height> [flags]
_1488flow blocks get latest --network testnet
_1488 --events string List events of this type for the block
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output. Valid values: transactions.
_1488Execute Cadence code
_1488 flow cadence [flags]
_1488 flow cadence [command]
_1488 language-server Start the Cadence language server
_1488Use "flow cadence [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Start the Cadence language server
_1488 flow cadence language-server [flags]
_1488 --enable-flow-client Enable Flow client functionality (default true)
_1488Retrieve collections
_1488 flow collections [command]
_1488 get Get collection info
_1488Use "flow collections [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488 flow collections get <collection_id> [flags]
_1488flow collections get 270d...9c31e
_1488Generate the autocompletion script for flow for the specified shell.
_1488See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script.
_1488 flow completion [command]
_1488 bash Generate the autocompletion script for bash
_1488 fish Generate the autocompletion script for fish
_1488 powershell Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
_1488 zsh Generate the autocompletion script for zsh
_1488Use "flow completion [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.
_1488This script depends on the 'bash-completion' package.
_1488If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS's package manager.
_1488To load completions in your current shell session:
_1488 source <(flow completion bash)
_1488To load completions for every new session, execute once:
_1488 flow completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/flow
_1488 flow completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/flow
_1488You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
_1488 flow completion bash
_1488 --no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
_1488Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.
_1488To load completions in your current shell session:
_1488 flow completion fish | source
_1488To load completions for every new session, execute once:
_1488 flow completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/flow.fish
_1488You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
_1488 flow completion fish [flags]
_1488 --no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
_1488Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.
_1488To load completions in your current shell session:
_1488 flow completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
_1488To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command
_1488to your powershell profile.
_1488 flow completion powershell [flags]
_1488 --no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
_1488Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.
_1488If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need
_1488to enable it. You can execute the following once:
_1488 echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
_1488To load completions in your current shell session:
_1488 source <(flow completion zsh)
_1488To load completions for every new session, execute once:
_1488 flow completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_flow"
_1488 flow completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_flow
_1488You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
_1488 flow completion zsh [flags]
_1488 --no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
_1488Utilities to manage configuration
_1488 flow config [command]
_1488 add Add resource to configuration
_1488 init Initialize a new configuration
_1488 remove Remove resource from configuration
_1488Use "flow config [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Add resource to configuration
_1488 flow config add [command]
_1488flow config add account
_1488 account Add account to configuration
_1488 contract Add contract to configuration
_1488 deployment Add deployment to configuration
_1488 network Add network to configuration
_1488Use "flow config add [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Add account to configuration
_1488 flow config add account [flags]
_1488flow config add account
_1488 --address string Account address
_1488 --hash-algo string Hash algorithm to pair with this account key (default "SHA3_256")
_1488 --key-index string Account key index (default "0")
_1488 --name string Name for the account
_1488 --private-key string Account private key
_1488 --sig-algo string Signature algorithm of this account key (default "ECDSA_P256")
_1488Add contract to configuration
_1488 flow config add contract [flags]
_1488flow config add contract
_1488 --emulator-alias string Address for the emulator alias
_1488 --filename string Filename of the contract source
_1488 --mainnet-alias string Address for the mainnet alias
_1488 --name string Name of the contract
_1488 --testnet-alias string Address for the testnet alias
_1488Add deployment to configuration
_1488 flow config add deployment [flags]
_1488flow config add deployment
_1488 --account string Account name used for deployment
_1488 --contract strings Name of the contract to be deployed
_1488 --network string Network name used for deployment
_1488Add network to configuration
_1488 flow config add network [flags]
_1488flow config add network
_1488 --host string Flow Access API host address
_1488 --name string Network name
_1488 --network-key string Flow Access API host network key for secure client connections
_1488Initialize a new configuration
_1488 flow config init [flags]
_1488 --global Initialize global user configuration
_1488 --reset Reset configuration file
_1488 --service-hash-algo string Service account key hash algorithm (default "SHA3_256")
_1488 --service-private-key string Service account private key
_1488 --service-sig-algo string Service account key signature algorithm (default "ECDSA_P256")
_1488Remove resource from configuration
_1488 flow config remove [command]
_1488flow config remove account
_1488 account Remove account from configuration
_1488 contract Remove contract from configuration
_1488 deployment Remove deployment from configuration
_1488 network Remove network from configuration
_1488Use "flow config remove [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Remove account from configuration
_1488 flow config remove account <name> [flags]
_1488flow config remove account Foo
_1488Remove contract from configuration
_1488 flow config remove contract <name> [flags]
_1488flow config remove contract Foo
_1488Remove deployment from configuration
_1488 flow config remove deployment <account> <network> [flags]
_1488flow config remove deployment Foo testnet
_1488Remove network from configuration
_1488 flow config remove network <name> [flags]
_1488flow config remove network Foo
_1488Manage contracts and dependencies
_1488 flow dependencies [command]
_1488 add Add a single contract and its dependencies.
_1488 install Install contract and dependencies.
_1488Use "flow dependencies [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Add a single contract and its dependencies.
_1488 flow dependencies add <source string> [flags]
_1488flow dependencies add testnet://0afe396ebc8eee65.FlowToken
_1488 --name string Name of the dependency
_1488Install contract and dependencies.
_1488 flow dependencies install [flags]
_1488flow dependencies install
_1488Deploy all project contracts
_1488 flow deploy [flags]
_1488 --show-diff use show-diff flag to show diff between existing and new contracts on update
_1488 --update use update flag to update existing contracts
_1488Build your Flow project
_1488Run a development wallet
_1488 flow dev-wallet [flags]
_1488 --emulator-host string Host for access node connection (default "http://localhost:8888")
_1488 --port uint Dev wallet port to listen on (default 8701)
_1488Run Flow network for development
_1488 flow emulator [flags]
_1488 flow emulator [command]
_1488 snapshot Create/Load/List emulator snapshots
_1488 --admin-port int port to run the admin API (default 8080)
_1488 -b, --block-time duration time between sealed blocks, e.g. '300ms', '-1.5h' or '2h45m'. Valid units are 'ns', 'us' (or 'µs'), 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'
_1488 --chain-id string chain to emulate for address generation. Valid values are: 'emulator', 'testnet', 'mainnet' (default "emulator")
_1488 --contract-removal allow removal of already deployed contracts, used for updating during development (default true)
_1488 --contracts deploy common contracts when emulator starts
_1488 --coverage-reporting enable Cadence code coverage reporting
_1488 --dbpath string path to database directory (default "./flowdb")
_1488 --debugger-port int port to run the Debugger (Debug Adapter Protocol) (default 2345)
_1488 --evm-enabled enable EVM support
_1488 --grpc-debug enable gRPC server reflection for debugging with grpc_cli
_1488 --host string host to listen on for emulator GRPC/REST/Admin servers (default: all interfaces)
_1488 --init whether to initialize a new account profile
_1488 --log-format string logging output format. Valid values (text, JSON) (default "text")
_1488 --min-account-balance string The minimum account balance of an account. This is also the cost of creating one account. e.g. '0.001'. The default is taken from the current version of flow-go
_1488 --persist enable persistent storage
_1488 -p, --port int port to run RPC server (default 3569)
_1488 --redis-url string redis-server URL for persisting redis storage backend ( redis://[[username:]password@]host[:port][/database] )
_1488 --rest-debug enable REST API debugging output
_1488 --rest-port int port to run the REST API (default 8888)
_1488 --script-gas-limit int gas limit for scripts (default 100000)
_1488 --service-hash-algo string service account key hash algorithm (default "SHA3_256")
_1488 --service-priv-key string service account private key
_1488 --service-pub-key string service account public key
_1488 --service-sig-algo string service account key signature algorithm (default "ECDSA_P256")
_1488 --simple-addresses use sequential addresses starting with 0x01
_1488 --skip-tx-validation skip verification of transaction signatures and sequence numbers
_1488 --snapshot enable snapshots for emulator
_1488 --sqlite-url string sqlite db URL for persisting sqlite storage backend
_1488 --storage-limit enable account storage limit (default true)
_1488 --storage-per-flow string the MB amount of storage capacity an account has per 1 FLOW token it has. e.g. '100.0'. The default is taken from the current version of flow-go
_1488 --token-supply string initial FLOW token supply (default "1000000000.0")
_1488 --transaction-expiry int transaction expiry, measured in blocks (default 10)
_1488 --transaction-fees enable transaction fees
_1488 --transaction-max-gas-limit int maximum gas limit for transactions (default 9999)
_1488 -v, --verbose enable verbose logging
_1488Use "flow emulator [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Create/Load/List emulator snapshots
_1488 flow emulator snapshot <create|load|list> [snapshotName] [flags]
_1488flow emulator snapshot create testSnapshot
_1488 flow events [command]
_1488 get Get events in a block range
_1488Use "flow events [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Get events in a block range
_1488 flow events get <event_name> [flags]
_1488#fetch events from the latest 10 blocks is the default behavior
_1488flow events get A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken.TokensDeposited
_1488#specify manual start and stop blocks
_1488flow events get A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken.TokensDeposited --start 11559500 --end 11559600
_1488#in order to get and event from the 20 latest blocks on a network run
_1488flow events get A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken.TokensDeposited --last 20 --network mainnet
_1488#if you want to fetch multiple event types that is done by sending in more events. Even fetching will be done in parallel.
_1488flow events get A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken.TokensDeposited A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken.TokensWithdrawn
_1488 --batch uint Number of blocks each worker will fetch (default 25)
_1488 --end uint End block height
_1488 --last uint Fetch number of blocks relative to the last block. Ignored if the start flag is set. Used as a default if no flags are provided (default 10)
_1488 --start uint Start block height
_1488 --workers int Number of workers to use when fetching events in parallel (default 10)
_1488execute, generate, package
_1488 flow flix [command]
_1488 execute execute FLIX template with a given id, name, local filename, or url
_1488 generate generate FLIX json template given local Cadence filename
_1488 package package file for FLIX template fcl-js is default
_1488Use "flow flix [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488execute FLIX template with a given id, name, local filename, or url
_1488 flow flix execute <id | name | path | url> [flags]
_1488flow flix execute transfer-flow 1 0x123456789
_1488 --args-json string arguments in JSON-Cadence format
_1488 --authorizer strings Name of a single or multiple comma-separated accounts used as authorizers from configuration
_1488 --block-height uint block height to execute the script at
_1488 --block-id string block ID to execute the script at
_1488 --exclude strings Fields to exclude from the output (events)
_1488 --gas-limit uint transaction gas limit (default 1000)
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output
_1488 --lang string language to generate the template for (default "js")
_1488 --payer string Account name from configuration used as payer
_1488 --pre-fill string template path to pre fill the FLIX
_1488 --proposer string Account name from configuration used as proposer
_1488 --signer string Account name from configuration used to sign the transaction as proposer, payer and suthorizer
_1488generate FLIX json template given local Cadence filename
_1488 flow flix generate <cadence.cdc> [flags]
_1488flow flix generate multiply.cdc
_1488 --args-json string arguments in JSON-Cadence format
_1488 --authorizer strings Name of a single or multiple comma-separated accounts used as authorizers from configuration
_1488 --block-height uint block height to execute the script at
_1488 --block-id string block ID to execute the script at
_1488 --exclude strings Fields to exclude from the output (events)
_1488 --gas-limit uint transaction gas limit (default 1000)
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output
_1488 --lang string language to generate the template for (default "js")
_1488 --payer string Account name from configuration used as payer
_1488 --pre-fill string template path to pre fill the FLIX
_1488 --proposer string Account name from configuration used as proposer
_1488 --signer string Account name from configuration used to sign the transaction as proposer, payer and suthorizer
_1488package file for FLIX template fcl-js is default
_1488 flow flix package <id | name | path | url> --lang <lang> [flags]
_1488flow flix package multiply.template.json --lang js
_1488 --args-json string arguments in JSON-Cadence format
_1488 --authorizer strings Name of a single or multiple comma-separated accounts used as authorizers from configuration
_1488 --block-height uint block height to execute the script at
_1488 --block-id string block ID to execute the script at
_1488 --exclude strings Fields to exclude from the output (events)
_1488 --gas-limit uint transaction gas limit (default 1000)
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output
_1488 --lang string language to generate the template for (default "js")
_1488 --payer string Account name from configuration used as payer
_1488 --pre-fill string template path to pre fill the FLIX
_1488 --proposer string Account name from configuration used as proposer
_1488 --signer string Account name from configuration used to sign the transaction as proposer, payer and suthorizer
_1488Run Flowser project explorer
_1488 flow flowser [flags]
_1488 --emulator-host string Host for access node connection (default "http://localhost:8888")
_1488 --port uint Dev wallet port to listen on (default 8701)
_1488Generate template files for common Cadence code
_1488 flow generate [command]
_1488 contract Generate Cadence smart contract template
_1488 script Generate a Cadence script template
_1488 transaction Generate a Cadence transaction template
_1488Use "flow generate [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Generate Cadence smart contract template
_1488 flow generate contract <name> [flags]
_1488flow generate contract HelloWorld
_1488 --dir string Directory to generate files in
_1488Generate a Cadence script template
_1488 flow generate script <name> [flags]
_1488flow generate script SomeScript
_1488 --dir string Directory to generate files in
_1488Generate a Cadence transaction template
_1488 flow generate transaction <name> [flags]
_1488flow generate transaction SomeTransaction
_1488 --dir string Directory to generate files in
_1488Help provides help for any command in the application.
_1488Simply type flow help [path to command] for full details.
_1488 flow help [command] [flags]
_1488Initialize a new configuration
_1488 --global Initialize global user configuration
_1488 --reset Reset configuration file
_1488 --service-hash-algo string Service account key hash algorithm (default "SHA3_256")
_1488 --service-private-key string Service account private key
_1488 --service-sig-algo string Service account key signature algorithm (default "ECDSA_P256")
_1488Generate and decode Flow keys
_1488 flow keys [command]
_1488 decode Decode an encoded public key
_1488 derive Derive public key from a private key
_1488 generate Generate a new key-pair
_1488Use "flow keys [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Decode an encoded public key
_1488 flow keys decode <rlp|pem> <encoded public key> [flags]
_1488flow keys decode rlp f847b8408...2402038203e8
_1488 --from-file string Load key from file
_1488 --sig-algo string Signature algorithm (default "ECDSA_P256")
_1488Derive public key from a private key
_1488 flow keys derive <encoded private key> [flags]
_1488flow keys derive 4247b8408...2402038203e8
_1488 --sig-algo string Signature algorithm (default "ECDSA_P256")
_1488Generate a new key-pair
_1488 flow keys generate [flags]
_1488 --derivationPath string Derivation path (default "m/44'/539'/0'/0/0")
_1488 --mnemonic string Mnemonic seed to use
_1488 --sig-algo string Signature algorithm (default "ECDSA_P256")
_1488Manage your Cadence project
_1488 flow project [command]
_1488 deploy Deploy Cadence contracts
_1488Use "flow project [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Deploy Cadence contracts
_1488 flow project deploy [flags]
_1488flow project deploy --network testnet
_1488 --show-diff use show-diff flag to show diff between existing and new contracts on update
_1488 --update use update flag to update existing contracts
_1488Start emulator and deploy all project contracts
_1488Execute Cadence scripts
_1488 flow scripts [command]
_1488 execute Execute a script
_1488Use "flow scripts [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488 flow scripts execute <filename> [<argument> <argument> ...] [flags]
_1488flow scripts execute script.cdc "Meow" "Woof"
_1488 --args-json string arguments in JSON-Cadence format
_1488 --block-height uint block height to execute the script at
_1488 --block-id string block ID to execute the script at
_1488Manage persisted global settings
_1488 flow settings [command]
_1488 metrics Configure command usage metrics settings
_1488Use "flow settings [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Configure command usage metrics settings
_1488 flow settings metrics [flags]
_1488flow settings metrics disable
_1488flow settings metrics enable
_1488Start a new Flow project
_1488 flow setup <project name> [flags]
_1488flow setup my-project
_1488 --scaffold Interactively select a provided scaffold for project creation
_1488 --scaffold-id int Use provided scaffold ID for project creation
_1488Signature verification and creation
_1488 flow signatures [command]
_1488 generate Generate the message signature
_1488 verify Verify the signature
_1488Use "flow signatures [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Generate the message signature
_1488 flow signatures generate <message> [flags]
_1488flow signatures generate 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' --signer alice
_1488 --signer string name of the account used to sign (default "emulator-account")
_1488Verify the signature
_1488 flow signatures verify <message> <signature> <public key> [flags]
_1488flow signatures verify 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' 99fa...25b af3...52d
_1488 --hash-algo string Hashing algorithm used to create signature (default "SHA3_256")
_1488 --sig-algo string Signature algorithm used to create the public key (default "ECDSA_P256")
_1488Retrieve the protocol state snapshot
_1488 flow snapshot [command]
_1488 save Get the latest finalized protocol snapshot
_1488Use "flow snapshot [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Get the latest finalized protocol snapshot
_1488 flow snapshot save [flags]
_1488flow snapshot save /tmp/snapshot.json
_1488Display the status of the Flow network
_1488 flow status [flags]
_1488 flow test <filename> [flags]
_1488flow test script.cdc
_1488 --cover Use the cover flag to calculate coverage report
_1488 --covercode string Use the covercode flag to calculate coverage report only for certain types of code. Available values are "all" & "contracts" (default "all")
_1488 --coverprofile string Filename to write the calculated coverage report. Supported extensions are .json and .lcov (default "coverage.json")
_1488 --name string Use the name flag to run only tests that match the given name
_1488 --random Use the random flag to execute test cases randomly
_1488 --seed int Use the seed flag to manipulate random execution of test cases
_1488Build, sign, send and retrieve transactions
_1488 flow transactions [command]
_1488 build Build an unsigned transaction
_1488 decode Decode a transaction
_1488 get Get the transaction by ID
_1488 send Send a transaction
_1488 send-signed Send signed transaction
_1488 sign Sign built transaction
_1488Use "flow transactions [command] --help" for more information about a command.
_1488Build an unsigned transaction
_1488 flow transactions build <code filename> [<argument> <argument> ...] [flags]
_1488flow transactions build ./transaction.cdc "Hello" --proposer alice --authorizer alice --payer bob
_1488 --args-json string arguments in JSON-Cadence format
_1488 --authorizer strings transaction authorizer (default [emulator-account])
_1488 --gas-limit uint transaction gas limit (default 1000)
_1488 --payer string transaction payer (default "emulator-account")
_1488 --proposer string transaction proposer (default "emulator-account")
_1488 --proposer-key-index int proposer key index
_1488Decode a transaction
_1488 flow transactions decode <transaction filename> [flags]
_1488flow transactions decode ./transaction.rlp
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output. Valid values: signatures, code, payload.
_1488Get the transaction by ID
_1488 flow transactions get <tx_id> [flags]
_1488flow transactions get 07a8...b433
_1488 --exclude strings Fields to exclude from the output. Valid values: events.
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output. Valid values: signatures, code, payload, fee-events.
_1488 --sealed Wait for a sealed result (default true)
_1488 flow transactions send <code filename> [<argument> <argument> ...] [flags]
_1488flow transactions send tx.cdc "Hello world"
_1488 --args-json string arguments in JSON-Cadence format
_1488 --authorizer strings Name of a single or multiple comma-separated accounts used as authorizers from configuration
_1488 --exclude strings Fields to exclude from the output (events)
_1488 --gas-limit uint transaction gas limit (default 1000)
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output
_1488 --payer string Account name from configuration used as payer
_1488 --proposer string Account name from configuration used as proposer
_1488 --signer string Account name from configuration used to sign the transaction as proposer, payer and suthorizer
_1488Send signed transaction
_1488 flow transactions send-signed <signed transaction filename> [flags]
_1488flow transactions send-signed signed.rlp
_1488 --exclude strings Fields to exclude from the output (events)
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output. Valid values: signatures, code, payload.
_1488Sign built transaction
_1488 flow transactions sign [<built transaction filename> | --from-remote-url <url>] [flags]
_1488flow transactions sign ./built.rlp --signer alice
_1488 --from-remote-url string server URL where RLP can be fetched, signed RLP will be posted back to remote URL.
_1488 --include strings Fields to include in the output. Valid values: signatures, code, payload.
_1488 --signer strings name of a single or multiple comma-separated accounts used to sign (default [emulator-account])
_1488View version and commit information
_1488 flow version [flags]
_1488 -f, --config-path strings Path to flow configuration file (default [/Users/tomhaile/flow.json,flow.json])
_1488 -x, --filter string Filter result values by property name
_1488 --format string Format result values (default "text")
_1488 --host string Flow Access API host address
_1488 -l, --log string Log level, options: "debug", "info", "error", "none" (default "info")
_1488 -n, --network string Network from configuration file (default "emulator")
_1488 --network-key string Flow Access API host network key for secure client connections
_1488 -o, --output string Output format, options: "text", "json", "inline" (default "text")
_1488 -s, --save string Save result to a filename
_1488 --skip-version-check Skip version check during start up
_1488 -y, --yes Approve any prompts